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Surgical Instruments > Probs
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     Art # US- 34001  
     Art # US- 34002  
     Art # US- 34003  
     Art # US- 34004  
     Art # US- 34005  
   Myrtle Leaf Probe
     Art # US- 34006  
   Grooved Directors
     Art # US- 34007  
   Grooved Directors
     Art # US- 34008  
   Grooved Directors
     Art # US- 34009  
     Art # US- 34010  
   Fistula Probes
     Art # US- 34011  
   Fistula Probes
     Art # US- 33012  
   Fistula Probes
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We are manufacturer of surgical instruments and specialized in the field of forceps instruments.We are exporting high quality instruments at globally competitive prices .
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